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Don't worry

Don't worry! I've started the habit of sending instagram posts back and forth between me and my older grandkids. It's a fun way to stay in touch with them, right where they often are - their cell phones. Many of the posts are about dogs and cats, many cause an unexpected belly laugh. Most of them are fun to watch once. But this one - I came across it yesterday and saved it, to listen to again. And sent it to everyone I love.  I started my morning with listening to it again. And again. And again. I swear I'd like to steal this kid for a day, just to listen to what might come out of his sweet mouth.  I'm hoping you guys can figure out how to open it. And listen at least a couple of times. Pretty sure it'll make your day better, whatever is going on. (The follow is  _musik_am_montag_  for more stuff to brighten and lighten the day).  Don't worry :-)   Blessings, Bev

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