And things I do love....
As I drifted off to sleep last night, I found myself calling to mind all the things I DO love. Savoring each one as it came to mind - here are a few:
fireflies, and the memory of catching them in mason jars with the neighbor kids
puppy breath
watching a newborn's eyelids flutter as they dream
seeing Cub Sweetheart asleep, across the bed from me, at night
fireworks, and especially little ones holding sparklers out in the air
ice cold watermelon
falling asleep to the sound of a summer rain storm
the first sip of coffee in the morning
my pillow
going through a box of old photos, and remembering
hearing Cub Sweetheart whistle a made up tune
the memory of my roller skates, a 10th birthday present
the magic of Christmas morning
stopping at lemonaide stands and overpaying
road trips
finding a great book at the used book store
figuring out how to play a piece on the piano
watching the baby ducks at our pond get bigger by the day
Thursdays with my knitting girlfriends
remembering the sound of my mom saying, 'hello darlin'', when I'd call her
driving through the mountains, windows down, with a river rushing by
bluebirds perched on a fence, and scissor tail fly catchers flitting through the air
receiving unexpected calls that start with 'hello Grammy'
listening to the sound of my father's voice on the phone
feeding apples to the deer in our back yard
paying grandkids to mow our lawn
sinking into a hot bath with a good book and a glass of ice water
movie popcorn
grown children who have become best friends
my everyday life
How about you? What do you love?