A little late at saying hello

The new year has already lost a bit of its shine. Twelve days in already. Christmas sales and after Christmas sales and New Year sales are over, and finally, finally 'Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree' has stopped playing everywhere I go. (Not a fan of modern, upbeat Christmas music in general.)

In a normal year, by December 26 or 27 you'll find me curled up in a chair in a corner of our home, making my lists. The making of resolutions has become a bit like Rodney Dangerfield - it can't get any respect - but I take the approach of Ben Franklin who said, 'if you fail to plan, you plan to fail.' 

This year caught me off guard, but finally, a few days ago, I did just that. Find a chair, grab my planner, and think about last year. What worked. What didn't. What could be improved. Then I made a quick list. 

So for 2020, here's what I came up with:

Physically - lose a handful of pounds, but mostly stronger core and flexibility, consistently doing an aerobic workout to improve numbers. This year have all the yucky checkups that aren't fun, but are important, and have a panel of bloodwork to look at all my numbers - esp sugar levels and cholesterol. Getting older isn't for sissies, but it IS a privilege and it's biblical to take care of my body. 

Spiritually - daily bible reading, daily journaling, always a book to study - work through Cherish, Emotionally Healthy Woman and The Road Back to You (Enneagram). 

Home - get it together! Papers especially, and daily routine to keep the house neat and clean. Get some routines in place for cooking so it’s less work. Do some of the deeper cleaning that rarely gets done. Cull out old notebooks, papers, books, photos, just stuff. Even when it's organized, it's still clutter. Clear it out. 

Don:  grow our relationship, which may or may not feel good all the time. I want us to learn to communicate better, more responding and less reactive with each other. Almost 39 years in I'm finding marriage still takes maintenance and care and re-evaluating to grow deeper and richer. 

Friends and Family - time talking to my girls and son, whenever I’m away from them; all 8 grandkids - keep track of this!  I need to do better calling my Dad and siblings, and stay in consistent touch. Nurture the few close friendships I have.  I don’t need a lot of other people in my life, and don't seem to have a lot of spare time either. 

Read well. Read deep. Don’t read junk. 

Knit well. Knit knockers; hopefully I can get 50 done this year, that’s one a week, and some weeks I can do better, but consistently knit them. Also have another project going all the time, that stretches and teaches me. Knit with Sarah and Laurie in Idaho. 

Piano - finish book 3A before I go to Idaho if that is even possible. I need to practice at least 30 minutes a day, and likely need to start clocking it. Treat myself like a kid! 

So there it is, and I feel better already, having it in place. I'm printing it out this year, and taping it to the inside cover of my planner, so I can incorporate it into days and time slots every single week. 

No failing to plan / planning to fail for me in 2020. 

Anyone else made plans? Lists? Resolutions? Goals? 


Bettie Ashauer said…
Oh Bev, wish I could be as organized as you. I never make resolutions and rarely really sit and ponder the past year. I just take each day as it comes and always try to be grateful for each and every day. I have clutter, I have boxes of “memorabilia”, I have lots and lots of “stuff”. I want to cull it...and I am actually working on it...but it never seems to make much of a dent. I always think, gee, if I just would work hard for an hour a day...the house would be neater and cleaner. It sounds good, but doesn’t often happen. I feel like a goofy dog most days...easily distracted by shiny objects. Look!! There’s that magazine you’ve been looking for!! Look, just clean up the kitchen and you can watch that show you recorded yesterday. Look! The bird feeders need filling. I just jump from activity to activity and the day ends with maybe everything done I’d hoped, or maybe nothing done that I’d hoped to accomplish. But somehow it never bothers me. I’m happy in my own little world. One thing I have done though, is try to call my nearest and dearest friends that I think about every day and just don’t talk to often enough. Like you, I think I have many “friends”, but only about 3 friends that share my heart and soul. YOU are one of them and expect a call from me soon. I miss you!!! Keep posting, knitting, and writing! I love keeping up with you however it happens. Love you, Bettie
Bev said…
Bettie, you may need a really good reward system (chocolate???) or maybe just be you, as you seem to be quite happy with the way things are. And yes, a call would be nice. Don gets a new knee on the 27th so either before or at least a few weeks after? oxoxo

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