Just a few goodies to share:
A new blog I just discovered from my daughter, after I saw the cookbook on her counter:
http://www.dinneralovestory.com/. If you're a little weary of cooking at this point in Covid world, this beautiful blog should go a long ways in inspiring you. I was able to order her cookbook used on Amazon and can't wait for it to arrive in the mail. If you can't find it used, it's worth full price; I have a thing about cookbooks, and have a large collection of them in both of my homes, so I try to find them used when I can.
A new show we're enjoying:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?reload=9&v=Zv29Sjt7LnA. Watching this show makes me want to cook, makes me want to eat, makes me want to travel, and makes me love people on a more world-spanning scale. The cinematography is gorgeous, the host's enthusiasm for people and food is absolutely contagious. It makes me feel like our world ISN'T going to hell in a hand basket, which is a good thing these days.
My very favorite follow on Instagram that I'm not related to:
https://www.instagram.com/explore/tags/cowsofinstagram/. Every single post by them brightens my day, makes me smile and makes me think harder about not eating meat. In any form. I heard someone say they tried to not eat anything that had ever had a mother, and there's something about that that rings true to me. If I was single I think I could live on cheerios, baked potatoes and veggies, as long as I could also have strawberry ice cream on a regular basis. I'd so much rather have a baked potato than a steak or burger. And potatoes don't have mothers. There's that.
A GREAT book to read between now and the upcoming election:
Or watch the series (which I watched, then read the book, so Cub Sweetheart was gracious enough to rewatch the entire series with me again and it was sooooo much better after reading the book. It's available on Prime Video, which I think pretty much everyone on the face of the planet has, which explains why Jeff Bezos' home cost $165 million. Not bad for a guy who started his business out of his garage...
I'm reading David McCullough's sequel to John Adams, 1776, and it already looks like it's going to be really great as well. Being disgusted with the whole political situation in America, I found 'John Adams' to be a really encouraging read. It gave me such an appreciation for what it took to form our country, our government, what our early leaders were up against.
A little time spent in any of these places birghtens my day. Hope it does yours as well.