A new friend for the journey
See that bicycle? With a basket to hold a water bottle and snack, and a little shelf to strap one's books and ride out into the countryside? I want to be there, that countryside, looking out over the meadow. Don't you? To spend the day lollygagging, reading and munching the hours away.
But I'm not. I'm here. The photo was taken somewhere in the Netherlands, but I'm in my sweet little house in northern Idaho - that's where my journey is right now. Likely you're somewhere ordinary as well, doing the routine things that make up your day.
Actually, I'm here. At the keyboard, where I haven't been for a good five months. Completely unplanned break from my blog. My word of the year for 2021 was 'Listen', and I was just telling my daughter yesterday that third time's a charm. I've chosen 'Listen' twice before, but this year I have not only been able to remember my word all the way into October, I am actually doing some of it. Not perfectly, but better. And somehow that didn't translate into writing here.
But now feels right to come back and share again.
Today's 'journey' has a lunch meeting, painting kitchen cabinets, putting together menus and a grocery list, working out this afternoon, piano practice, a bit of math lessons and some reading of old books. I've been up to a few things while I've been away and want to share them later, but for today, in this little space of time I have, I want to share my big thing. The one thing that I changed in my life that has made a difference. I listened to my heart and told Cub Sweetheart I needed a pet again.
So we bought a cat.
She comes when we call her, retrieves toys, spends about half the day somewhere in the basement taking an afternoon nap. The rest of the time she wants to be with us.
Sort of like a dog, except she never needs to be walked or trained or housebroken.
Charlotte (named after the book with the pig and spider) is an ordinary miracle, and has begun to heal that hole that was in my heart after rehoming our Shih Tzu two years ago. She cost a pretty penny, but I calculated it out to be about 1/10 the cost of a daily mocha latte, so there's that. She makes us laugh every single day, and that's priceless. She makes our home a nicer place to be.
It's awfully nice to have her along for the journey with us.
Back soon :-)