A drive through Yellowstone
Summer is over, and fall is in full swing here in northern Idaho. The trees are showing off like nobody's business, and every time I take Miss Lily for a walk, I smile to see grown adults stopping to pick up leaves of crimson and gold, and shove them in their pockets.
We just returned from driving our van back to Texas. Between here and there included going through Yellowstone, where we sat and waited over two hours, because that's what you do with a herd of animals weighing in at over 2500 pounds. Eventually they decided to mosey across the road and we were all able to continue through the park.
At the eastern edge of the park we saw six beautiful moose munching on tall grass by the road - two bulls, two females and they each had a little one with them, so we stayed a safe distance away.
We spotted a great horned owl, when it was startled, as its wings spread out and it lifted up into the air.
A lone female elk nibbled on her evening snack by the river,
and three grown grizzlies scampered in a line, their massive backs and telltale humps covered in shimmering silver. I'm hoping the crazy man who followed them on foot to take a close up photo, and was chased away by one of them, survived the rest of his experience when he got in his truck and followed them down a logging road. If you want to see crazy, just take a drive through Yellowstone and watch the tourists throw all common sense and caution to the wind.
Some people are just flat crazy. I do believe God gave this particular man his wife as a safeguard, because based on the conversation we all were forced to listen in on, it didn't sound like the first - or last time his wife told him to get his fool self back into the truck.
And of course, Old Faithful was faithful, as always.