It's everywhere. And here are ten surefire ways to find it.
- Bake a pie (or cookies or banana bread), and take it to someone.
- Give somebody a hug. (Don't be afraid to do this.)
- Express appreciation to someone in your family. Express appreciation to someone outside your family.
- Remember to savor the seemingly minor, everyday incidents of simple decency and good humor.
- Pray for someone you don't like. Come on, you can do it.
- Ask God to open your eyes to someone's unspoken need.
- Brag on your kids. To them.
- Stroll somewhere. Don't hurry, take your time.
- Forgive someone. And here's the hard part: let them know it. Equally important, ask someone to forgive you.
- Volunteer. Start simply, perhaps by visiting an assisted care unit. Pretend it's Hope House in Mitford, where absolutely everyone there will be thrilled to see you. Pat a hand, kiss a cheek, share a smile, give a compliment. Too shy to do this alone? Take a friend. The opportunities for volunteerism are as endless as God's blessings in your life and mine. Find time to give back, and you will find Mitford as real as the beating of your heart.
(Taken from The Mitford Bedside Companion, by Jan Karon, chapter 'Popular Questions')