Spreading Ideas instead of Covid19
I know there were those, months ago, who predicted this, saw the signs, but there is only ONE who really knew it was coming, and how radically it would affect our entire planet. God - and He isn't surprised.
And without getting into whether He caused, or He allowed, or He....... I just know it's happening and it's affecting every single person on this planet - which is mind staggering in itself - but the real issue, today, for me, is what is my God-given responsibility to make a difference? Today?
About stopping the pandemic on a medical level, nothing.
Finding a cure, nothing.
But I can do something.
So here's what I have been busy with:
Helped two of our neighbors set up temporary Little Libraries on their front porches.
Calling my 94 year old Daddy, my two brothers and my sister to see how they are managing.
Getting a sewing army up and running, here in our neighborhood, to sew masks for two hospitals, one grocery store and now a state supported living center for the mentally impaired. It has been amazing to see so many in our little neighborhood pitch in with this effort.
Ordering a month's supply of fabric softener sheets to be delivered to a new neighbor who is having trouble figuring out his washer and dryer, and also doesn't have a clue how to order online. Our neighborhood has assigned block captains, and I'm loving hearing about how they're checking in on each other, encouraging, meeting practical needs like running errands, etc.
Bake and delivered plates of banana bread to a few neighbors. No way are we wasting any food right now and the bananas had reached that point. We've been the recipient of baked goods several times :-)
Face timing, daily, with someone I love. And it's been so nice when they call us!
Ordering a copy of a current movie online so our family in Idaho can fill a couple of hours watching it together.
Driving over and waving at our grandkids from the car window, so we can see each other's faces.
Going through the local drive through a few times, to support the restaurants.
Taking a bucket of drive through fried chicken and driving to a place where it was safe to have a picnic, to take care of our mental health.
Sending a donation to the local food bank because we can't deliver food right now and they can make the money go much further with their purchasing options than we can.
I don't share any of this to boast, but rather to encourage and motivate. Find what you can do and do it! There are SO many ways to help right now and all of them make a difference, even if it's just picking up the phone and calling someone, or smiling at the people in the car next to you, or wearing a mask when you go into the stores to protect yourself and others, overtipping whoever delivers your pizza, or waving at the Amazon delivery person, thanking the driver when they pick up your trash, or the mailman when they deliver the mail.
Do what you can, but do something. Being alive is a gift on any given day, so make it count. I want the fact that I'm alive today to make a difference in someone else's life, don't you?
So what are YOU doing? Please share and maybe we'll spread the ideas around instead of Covid19.