Hawaii - Part 4

Our last island to visit on the cruise was the furthest north, the island of Kauai. It's sometimes referred to as The Garden Island. It was, without a doubt, my favorite. 

After we'd spent two days there, as we were beginning to sail away, the cruise ship made a loop in their route to show us the Napali coast. The sun hitting the sides of the island gave for an amazing view. 

There's something about seeing a place that has no sign of man ever stepping foot on it. No telephone poles, no billboards, no fast food huts. It looked pretty much like it's looked for thousands and thousands of years.

Knowing it was doubtful I'd ever see this again, it was such a treat to just sit on the deck of the ship and enjoy the moment. Don had taken my phone (better camera) a level below where I was, to have a more clear view, so he took all the photos and I got to just sit and absorb. Something we so seldom do these days.

If I could only go to one island in Hawaii, it would be Kauai. And if I could only see one site it would be this.

It had just rained so we were blessed to have a rainbow for part of the time. I had no idea such a place on earth even existed.

How does anyone look at something like this and not know there is a Creator who is responsible for it all?


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