356 days to go

Since I was here a few days ago, I've:

  • started piano lessons again - my gift to me on a weekly basis
  • agreed to teach ladies in our neighborhood to knit
  • joined the local library's 'Friends' group, a perfect place for me to serve in the community
  • come up with categories, by days, of menus - dinner decisions have become easy peasy
  • caught up with that ironing that was looming in the back of my office
  • rolled my foot stepping off a curb - not terribly helpful but could have been worse
  • joined our neighborhood Bible study - blessings upon blessings!
  • finished the pair of socks I had on needles
  • caught up with the cleaning schedule of our home
  • had my annual mammogram, and said thank you for clear results
  • lined up a lunch date with my favorite son
  • moved our Texas church membership to our son and DIL's so we can attend with them
  • set a timer on my phone, to go to sleep, and get up 8 hours later
  • read the newspaper, skimming political and world news articles, every morning for a bit
  • weighed every single morning
  • written a letter to our Compassion child
  • done a yoga video before bedtime
  • not cursed

So far, so good. 356 days to go.


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